Thursday 12 June 2014

Yoga and wine and all things fine...

Waiting in line for the Graham Norton show. My sister managed to get audience tickets after request after request. I don't think I have ever watched a full episode. I don't know the format of the show or what the red chair was until last night, but I am looking forward to the Kasabian performance and I do actually know the guests. (Samuel L.Jackson, Keira Knightley and Jenson Button).

I haven't had a television for 8 months, nor do I feel like I need one but I feel should have one. So I bought one. Just in time for the World Cup festivities that I may follow. The question of buying materialistic items versus investing in experiences has cropped up a lot around me lately. More likely though, it has always been around but I simply notice it more now. My restless notions putting me in a predicament of furnishing my flat vs well, not furnishing.

One is deemed worthy and the other just a desire to own an item. It simply boils down to perspective, which changes all the time. For everyone. What matters most and more for one person may be the same as what matters least for another. #choices #firstworldproblems 

I have been doing a lot of yoga lately. It is my reprieve and my time for just me. For an activity that began for purely the physical benefits and challenges it presented, I am slowly realising the mental benefits that are all encompassing. Again though, the question has come up. For an activity that has evolved since I don't know when and provided a pathway to spirituality via a means other than religion, it can be an expensive activity in this city. There are cheaper ways to partake in the activity, free classes, trials at yoga studios all around the city and of course, self practice at home. However, to stay devoted to just one studio usually comes at a price. 

I did, however, manage to attend a very enjoyable free morning yoga class held on the rooftop of One New Change this week. The sun was shining, slight breeze and the view of beautiful St Pauls after savasana. It is Also the venue of a popular rooftop bar in the summer. Where downward dog meets downtown demons.

Consumerism is all around us, that we can't escape. Nor do I think we really want to. Not completely anyway - as I don't think it is possible. Unless we are willing to trade in all our Apple products and switch off from the world around us and hide away in a remote location with nothing, but all that we need.

The desire to be less materialistic is at the forefront of my mind. To have more experiences - travel, try new things, learn new skills, see your city, country, world and friends through different lenses (Canon perhaps?) is important for the memories that it creates. Memories and moments last and revisit every few days, months, years - for the rest of your life. If you have a good memory. Whereas my materialistic purchases don't usually survive much longer than a drunken night. Two, if I am lucky!

However, that is me. It is hard to find that balance and some days I try harder than others. Some days I don't need to try and others I rationalise a little bit more than my normal. Which is, a lot.  

Some days I really do need that new Zara top for Summer ;-) 

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